Business Development Associate – Atlanta, GA

Our client is an independent valuation firm with a track record-a full service appraisal/financial advisory firm that provides expert opinions on the valuations of business, equity and debt securities, intangible assets, and other property as well as providing sophisticated transaction services in the form of fairness opinions and solvency opinions. Excellent opportunity to work on top deals, gain and develop key industry contacts.

This is a fantastic place to work, and the management team is very professional and great to work with.   Really nice, supportive environment.


Conduct market research to identify target companies and key individuals at those companies
Initiate communications with companies and conduct ongoing follow up
Monitor M&A activity and trends in the territory and track M&A activity at target companies
Provide research support for meetings
Develop marketing collateral, presentations and meeting materials
Attend networking and other professional events


  • Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Finance or another related field. Masters is preferred.  CFA or CPA is a plus.
  • 13 years of business development experience
  •  Strong verbal, written communication, listening and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to prioritize multiple assignments and collaborate with internal teams to manage time-sensitive engagements
  • Strong work ethic and capacity to work flexible hours around critical due dates
  • A broad knowledge of finance
  • Comfort and experience dealing with private equity firms and corporate finance and accounting staff
  • Experience with private equity and/or investment banking a plus
  • General understanding of valuation and/or financial reporting also a plus


Location: Atlanta, GA

Salary:  Competitive Base Salary + Bonus

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Valuation Manager – Portfolio Investments (NYC / NJ / Philadelphia / Chicago)

Our client is an independent valuation firm with a 30 year track record-a full service appraisal/financial advisory firm that provides expert opinions on the valuations of business, equity and debt securities, intangible assets, and other property as well as providing sophisticated transaction services in the form of fairness opinions and solvency opinions.

This is a flat organization with great visibility.  Management is very responsive to their employees, and  has created an ideal  platform for upward mobility.  Superior working environment.

The Valuation Manager – Portfolio Investment will administer independent valuation services for BDC’s, Hedge Funds, LP’s and Private Equity Firms, et al, perform necessary valuation, review prospective offering documents, assess current market and financial conditions, advise and prepare reports/documents with direct client contact. The ideal candidate should have concentrated valuation experience with expertise in various valuation methods (income and market approaches, option pricing, waterfall, et al), investment research, financial modeling, financial statement analysis, reporting writing and Fair Value Accounting as well as strong experience with fairness/solvency opinions.

Sample Transaction:
– A solvency opinion for $1.9 Billon recapitalization of one of the world`s top financial advisory and asset management firms

§ Providing financial advisory services in connection with mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, recapitalizations, leveraged buyouts and public and private financings as well as for financial and tax reporting purposes;
§ Rendering financial opinions with respect to valuation, fairness and solvency;
§ Performing valuations of businesses, equity and debt securities, loans, derivative instruments, structured products and intangible assets;
§ Performing detailed due diligence including site visitations, management interviews, review of strategic alternatives and legal documentation as well as business, financial, industry, and market research and analysis;
§ Constructing and maintaining sophisticated, scenario driven financial and valuation models including analysis of financing alternatives, cash flow and IRR analysis, LBO/debt repayment analysis, accretion/dilution analysis, sum-of-the-parts valuation, discounted cash flow valuation, comparable public company valuation, comparable merger and acquisition valuation, loan pricing and derivative pricing;
§ Continually monitoring certain economic, industry, capital market and company trends and developments;
§ Preparing and presenting detailed financial analyses and reports to directors, senior managers, lenders and shareholders;
§ Interacting and coordinating with equity sponsors, investment bankers, accountants and attorneys on a daily basis;
§ Managing multiple engagements simultaneously with tight-deadlines in an unstructured and entrepreneurial environment;
§ Developing and maintaining relationships with existing clients through periodic conversations and meetings;
§ Conducting business development and support including prospecting for new clients and leads, preparing and presenting marketing materials as well as scoping, pricing and negotiating assignments.

* At least five years of relevant experience.
* Prior Management experience required
* A broad, in-depth knowledge of Portfolio Investment Valuations
* A thorough understanding of valuation theory and practice.
* CFA required

Location: NYC / NJ / Philadelphia / Chicago, IL

Salary: 140,000 – $180,000 plus Bonus

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Transaction Advisory – CPA, Manager (NYC / Central NJ)

Our client is one of the largest leading full-service accounting and advisory firms in the United States. They provide audit, accounting and tax services, as well as corporate finance, internal audit and risk management, litigation consulting, forensic accounting and other professional advisory services to a broad range of clients across many industries. Working with high net worth individuals, family offices, closely-held businesses, start-ups, middle market and Fortune 500 companies.


  • Analyze trends in operating results and working capital.
  • Develop agendas and lead meetings with target management.
  • Prepare tailored written reports and supporting Excel schedules.
  • Coordinate with other service lines involved in the engagement.
  • Oversee project completion within budget.
  • Supervise associates and senior associates.
  • Maintain periodic communications with the engagement director/partner and client regarding project status and potential deal issues as they arise.
  • Plan and oversee the due diligence process to delivery of quality services and products
  • Analyze financial forecasts, historical earnings, assets and liabilities of target client
  • Perform industry and company research on target client’s business, securities, intellectual properties, real estate and other assets
  • Identify risks and issues related to integration planning, timelines and functional areas
  • Identify and propose appropriate resolutions to critical issues related to the due diligence process
  • Research and develop proposal documents and participate in presentations for acquiring new clients
  • Participate in business development efforts
  • Schedule and supervise the tasks and project assignments of Senior Associates and Staff



  • Bachelor’s degree and CPA credentials
  • 5+ years of accounting/audit experience, due diligence experience preferred
  • Excellent knowledge of GAAP, SEC and IFRS
  • Strong Microsoft Office skills, particularly Powerpoint and excel
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills

** Role includes 20-30% travel

Locations: NYC & Central NJ
Salary: $100,000 – 120,000 Plus Bonus

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Valuation Manager/ Senior Analyst – Financial Reporting (Chicago, IL)

Our client is an established valuation firm and has earned a reputation as a leading provider in the industry. With offices located throughout the country, they are a full service firm offering a wide range of valuation and corporate finance services to both private and public companies nationwide.

They are seeking a Manager – Financial Reporting for their financial reporting valuation group. The ideal candidate will perform and review valuations for financial reporting purposes through the use of modeling and comparative analyses.


Perform detailed industry and economic research for client engagements used for financial reporting purposes.

Gather financial information and subject company data from client personnel.

Determine fair value of business enterprises, equity interests, and intangible assets (relationships, contracts, developed technology, trade-names, workforce) required for financial reporting.

Create financial models, perform discounted cash flow analysis and comparable company analysis.

Value private equity interests in debt, preferred equity, common equity, and warrants for fair value reporting purposes


  • A bachelor’s degree in finance, economics or business administration;  ASA and/or CFA is credentials a plus.
  • 4-8 years of work experience in Financial Reporting Valuation.
  • Advanced working knowledge of Excel and Word
  • Strong oral and written communication skills and superior analytical capabilities are essential.


Green card and/or US Citizenship is required


Location: Chicago, IL

Salary: $130K Plus Generous Profit Share & Bonus


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Senior Associate – Valuations (Short Hills, NJ)

Our client is a top consulting firm with offices around the world. They provide a broad range of tax and advisory services. They are currently seeking a Senior Associate.

The ideal candidate will be responsible for the business development efforts in Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences service transactions. They will perform analysis of  vendor cost and market data for unique assets and services. They will possess the ability to develop and review Excel based FMV models. They will manage client relationships. Be responsible for the supervision, mentoring, and development of skills for staff including valuations, communication, time management, and client product delivery


Three years of experience with providing valuation opinions,

Experience in the healthcare or life sciences sector is required

A Bachelor’s degree or above in Finance, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics or Quantitative Finance

Possessing professional credentials is a plus: ABV, CFA, AM or ASA

Excellent business development skills

Understanding of the Pharmaceutical industry with the ability to accurately foresee potential clients’ valuation needs based on the current and future regulatory environment

Ability to easily communicate valuation concepts to clients

Excellent written and verbal communication skills as well as strong analytical skills

Location: Short Hills, NJ

Salary: Competitive

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Senior Valuation Associate, Valuation Manager and Senior Valuations Manager – Healthcare & Life Sciences (Short Hills, NJ)

Our client is a top consulting firm with offices around the world. Our Client provides a broad range of tax and advisory services. They are currently seeking a Valuation Manager – Heathcare and Life Sciences


Manage and deliver valuation services in the Life Sciences or Pharma Industries. Rendering financial opinions with respect to valuation, fairness and solvency. Performing detailed due diligence including site visitations, management interviews, review of strategic alternatives and legal documentation as well as business, financial, industry, and market research and analysis.  Constructing and maintaining sophisticated, scenario driven financial and valuation models. Continually monitoring certain economic, industry, company trends and developments. Preparing and presenting detailed financial analyses and reports. Conducting business development and support including prospecting for new clients and leads, preparing and presenting marketing materials as well as scoping, pricing and negotiating assignments. Supervise, mentor, and facilitate the development of consulting skills for staff including valuation principles, communication, time management, and client product delivery.


* At least five years of relevant experience

* Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics, or Business* CFA or ASA required

* Experience in the Pharma or Life Sciences verticals

* Prior Management experience required

* A thorough understanding of valuation theory and practice.

* Superior written and verbal communication skills, solid analytical skills, and the ability to work well in a team environment

Salary: Competitive Base Plus Bonus
Location: Short Hills, NJ

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Senior Valuation Associate – Tangible Assets (Atlanta, GA)

Our client is a top consulting firm with offices around the world. They are seeking a Valuation Associate to perform Valuation Services for a variety of clients. The ideal candidate will have 3 years dedicated to real estate appraisal and valuations services.


This position is responsible for assisting senior level analysts in completing valuation assignments. Responsibilities will initially include property inspections, market analyses and data management, and will evolve to include the full valuation process. The Associate will provide valuation models, reports and market research to used for fair value estimates of tangible assets and property valuation. Ability to determine depreciation and provide analysis.

The ideal candidate will have a passion for serving in the valuation industry. One to two years of commercial or real estate valuation experience is required. The position requires superior skills in Microsoft Excel and proficiency in Word, as well as strong written and verbal communication skills. The successful candidate must be highly motivated, focused on quality performance, and able to work both independently and as part of a team.


Three years of relevant experience

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Accounting, Finance or Business from an accredited college/university

Completion of USPAP;  ASA with Machinery & Equipment (a plus)

Experience with Argus, Microsoft Word and Excel

Effective written and verbal communication skills, solid analytical skills, and the ability to work well in a team environment

Salary: $80,000 – $90,000

Location: Atlanta, GA

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Associate/Senior Associate Valuations (NYC)

Our client is an independent valuation firm providing full service appraisal/financial advisory; expert opinions on the valuations of business, equity and debt securities, financial reporting, litigation support, restructurings, tangible/intangible assets, and other property as well as providing sophisticated transaction services in the form of fairness opinions and solvency opinions.

Excellent opportunity to work on top deals, gain and develop key industry contacts. This candidate should have concentrated valuation experience and strong experience with fairness/solvency opinions. Superior working environment.

The Associate/Senior Associate will be involved in many aspects of financial valuation and advisory services to a variety of clientele. Specifically, the Senior Associate will manage sell-side and buy-side M&A activities and fairness opinion services, Tax Advisory (Trust & Estate), ESOP, and significant fund/portfolio work in addition to Financial Reporting..  They will also be responsible for advisory and valuation engagements to analyze potential liquidity options available to middle-market companies.


The ideal candidate would have 1-4 years experience

Direct current experience in ASC 350/805  (Goodwill Impairment)

Strong writing and presentation skills; experience preparing and reviewing valuation reports

Strong technical skills including MS Excel, Word and Powerpoint skills

Strong proficiency with on-line databases (Capital IQ) and Internet research of company specific, industry and economic analysis

Strong oral and written communication skills and superior analytical capabilities are essential.

Must have quant skills and be familiar with financial modeling

A degree in Finance is required. An MBA is required

CFA (or CFA candidate) is also preferred.

Location: New York, NY

Salary: $70,000 – $90,000 + Bonus

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Senior Associate – Valuations (NYC)

Our client is a top rated independent valuation practice.

Excellent opportunity to work on top deals, gain and develop key industry contacts, and be part of the initial stages of setting up a broker-dealer. This candidate should have concentrated valuation experience and strong experience with fairness/solvency opinions. This is a flat organization with great visibility.  Management is very responsive to their employees, and  has created an ideal  platform for upward mobility.  Superior working environment.

The Senior Associate will be involved in many aspects of financial valuation and advisory services to a variety of clientele. Specifically, they will report to the head of the firm’s transaction and advisory practice, the Senior Associate will manage sell-side and buy-side M&A activities and fairness opinion services.  In addition they will be responsible for advisory and valuation engagements to analyze potential liquidity options available to middle-market companies.


The ideal candidate would have 3-5 years experience

Direct current experience in ASC 350/805  (Goodwill Impairment) a must

Strong writing and presentation skills; experience preparing and reviewing valuation reports

Strong technical skills including MS Excel, Word and Powerpoint skills

Strong proficiency with on-line databases (Capital IQ) and Internet research of company specific, industry and economic analysis

Strong oral and written communication skills and superior analytical capabilities are essential.

Must have quant skills and be familiar with financial modeling

A degree in Finance is required. An MBA and/or CFA (or CFA candidate) are also preferred.

Location: New York, NY

Salary: $60,000 – $80,000 + Bonus

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Valuation Manager – Financial Reporting (Central NJ)

Our client is an established business valuation firm and has earned a reputation as a leading provider of business valuation and security analysis, intangible asset and intellectual property appraisal and corporate finance. With offices located throughout the country, they are a full service firm offering a wide range of valuation and corporate finance services to both private and public companies nationwide.

They are seeking a Manager – Financial Reporting for their financial reporting valuation group. The ideal candidate will perform and review valuations for financial reporting purposes through the use of modeling and comparative analyses.


Perform detailed industry and economic research for client engagements used for business planning, financial reporting, and tax planning purposes.

Gather financial information and subject company data from client personnel.

Determine fair value of business enterprises, equity interests, and intangible assets (relationships, contracts, developed technology, trade-names, workforce) required for financial reporting and tax purposes.

Conduct valuations for purchase price allocations, impairment testing, equity valuations in support of share-based compensation, complex capital structure valuations, royalty rate analyses, transfers of intangible assets, corporate spin-offs and restructurings, purchases and sales of minority equity interests, valuations of preferred stocks and debt securities, and valuations in support of estate and gift tax matters.

Create financial models, perform discounted cash flow analysis and comparable company analysis.

Execute post-acquisition purchase price allocation analysis to determine the fair value of goodwill and perform business enterprise valuations to test for goodwill impairment.

Value private equity interests in debt, preferred equity, common equity, and warrants for fair value reporting purposes.


The ideal candidate should have concentrated valuation experience.  Direct current experience in ASC 350/805  (Goodwill Impairment) a must. As well as an advanced, working knowledge of Excel and Word.  Strong oral and written communication skills and superior analytical capabilities are essential. Must have quant skills and be familiar with financial modeling. A degree in Finance is required. An MBA and/or CFA (or CFA candidate) are also preferred. A background in accounting coursework is important and relevant to the responsibilities of the position.

Location: Central NJ

Salary: $100,000 – $125,000 Plus Bonus

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